Jan Tkac (CSO) – Jan has 26 years of experience in biotechnology gained mostly during his work at the Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, as well as 3 postdoctoral stays at Oxford University (2006-2008), Lund University (2003-2006), and Linkoping University (2001-2003). He holds many prestigious grants, awards, and scholarships including two grants from the European Research Council (ERC):

  • 2020: Top 3 Crystal Wing, category Science and Medicine
  • 2019: Holder of the ESET Science Award
  • 2018: Holder of the prestigious ERC Proof of Concept grant
  • 2018: Award from the Minister of Education Award for the Scientific Team of the Year
  • 2016: Scientist of the Year 2015 in Slovakia
  • 2014: Award from the Minister of Education “Small Medal of Samuel Mikovíni”
  • 2013: Holder of a prestigious ERC consolidator grant
  • 2006: Member of the team winning the worldwide competition of business plans Nanochallenge 2006
  • 2003: Holder of the prestigious Individual Marie Curie Fellowship

He published 150+ research papers with 3,500+ citations and he is/was supervisor of 10 PhD. students.