Glycanostics innovations are again supported and highly ranked by leading industry experts. This time the company won the European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept Grant. The ERC president Jean Pierre Bourguignon mentioned that their Pannel recommended Glycanostics proposal for funding at the sufficiently high position in the rank list. He is confident that the grant will help to further explore and develop the innovation potential of Glycanostycs projects.
“This ERC grant is another important step towards the development of the diagnostic kits by our company. We are going to complete clinical validation in collaboration with Innsbruck biobank and by cooperation with Professor Helmut Klocker (University Clinic for Urology, Medical University Innsbruck), to prepare for the certification process and to get in contact with key opinion leaders in the EU. Also, in the future, we would like to develop kits to diagnose other diseases, such as breast cancer.”
Comments Jan Tkac, co-founder and executive manager of Glycanostics Ltd.
The media has already called the latest Glycanostics success an ‘European Scientific Oscar’, showing great interest in the project. The company’s innovations are also supported by Pavol Čekan (CEO of Multiplex DX), the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), which reflects the long-term strategy of the development of biomedical applied research in Slovakia.